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Lesbians, Stop Texting Me - Iyabo Ojo

Actress and mother of three Iyabo Ojo has come out to clear the air over rumors that her Sexy Pink Ladies Foundation is a lesbian organisation. She did this through an interview with National Encomium.

There have been misconceptions about the motives of the Pinkies Foundation. What can you say about that?
A lot of people had different impressions about us when we started, because of the name, the sexy Pink Ladies.

So they thought it was a lesbian group, but 80 percent of the women in the group are married with kids.
And I am not someone who supports lesbianism. I don’t have a problem with those who practice it, it’s their choice, but I do not believe in it because I don’t think it’s normal. So when people make such accusation, I just laugh.
I read a paper recently with the headline - 'Iyabo Ojo in trouble over lesbian Party' and I laughed.
I do not want to talk bad about lesbians but I am not someone who supports it, and I don’t like them giving wrong impression about what I do, because I don’t want lesbians coming to me, pinging me or texting me and I have to start insulting or rebuffing them. I have actually done that. The media is actually sending the wrong message, when you talk about my group being a lesbian group.
I have a man in my life and I believe in the normal way of life. I think it’s mental dysfunction of anybody who does that. I’m sorry if it sounds offensive to lesbians.
Thankfully, I’m using this medium to say it out to lesbians, they should stop texting me or pinging me, because I am not a lesbian and I do not appreciate it. When they do that I would insult them, so they should please stop peddling all this rumors because it is not true.'

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