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Kanye West Screams At Paparazzi After Smashing Head Into Sign

Kanye West isn’t having the best day, you guys. First, paparazzi get photos AND video of the rap star’s unfortunate confrontation with a street sign outside an L.A. pho restaurant. But to add insult to injury (heh), one man with a video camera also caught footage of ‘Ye having a MAJOR, expletive-filled meltdown afterward.

To be fair to Yeezy, his anger wasn’t entirely misdirected. After all, had he not been shielding his face to avoid having his picture taken by the unrelenting paps, the whole incident may have been avoided altogether. And it is a pretty embarrassing thing to have happen, even without a slew of cameras documenting it. We’re just not sure the incident warranted the reaction one unlucky man received when he arrived at the scene after Kanye suffered that big boo-boo to his head and pride.
It’s probably the latter ouchie — mixed with growing frustration at the constant sound of camera shutters and scream of “Kanye! Kim! Over here!” — that led Kanye’s meltdown. Unfortunately for the guy on the receiving end, he was somewhat of an innocent bystander. According to his responses to a furious Kanye, he had only just arrived on the scene and was not present for what we shall now forever refer to as Signgate.

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