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Obama Caught With Lipstick On Collar

President Obama was spotted with some lipstick on his collar during a speech at the White House.

But before anyone could accuse the President of some sort of sex scandal, Obama took some time to
explain the incriminating mark.

Obama said: “I want to thank everybody who’s here for the incredible warmth of the reception. A sign of the warmth is the lipstick on my collar.  I have to say I think I know the culprit … Where’s Jessica Sanchez? It wasn’t Jessica. It was her aunt. Where is she? Auntie, right there.  Look at this.  Look at this.  I just want everybody to witness. I do not want to get in trouble with Michelle, so I’m calling you out right in front of everybody.”

Obama didn’t give any details about how the lipstick got onto his collar but he made to let everyone know that he wasn’t having affair.

The White House has seen its fair share of sex scandals in recent years but there doesn’t appear to be any marriage trouble between the President and First Lady Michelle. Of course, Michelle Obama did refer to herself as a “single mother” earlier this year.

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