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6-year-old transgender girl wins right to use female bathroom

A mother claims that her 6-year-old child was discriminated against after the school asked her to use the teachers bathroom. The 6-year-old, who was born a boy and still has all male genitals, chose to live as a girl.
Coy Mathis, identifies herself as a girl and dresses as a girl.The school felt it was inappropriate for Mathis to use the girls bathroom, and asked the child to use the teachers bathroom or the nurses bathroom. Her parents however, did not like the idea. They wanted their daughter to have the
same rights as any other girl. Her parents filed a complaint with the Colorado Civil Rights Division against the Eagleside School District.

They Civil Rights group agreed with the child’s parents, and Mathis won the right to use the girls bathroom at her school. The civil rights ruling stated that the school district “denied the child full and equal enjoyment of the goods, services, facilities, privileges, or accommodation in a public place due to sex and sexual orientation,” the ruling stated.

Now, the 6-year-old transgender girl, will be able to return to school after winning the right to use the female bathroom. Her parents, Kathryn and Jeremy Mathis, are very happy with the ruling. They said the decision will end the stigmatization of their daughter.

Since filing their complaint, the Mathis family has moved to Aurora, Colorado, and have home schooled the 6-year-old. Mathis will not attend the Eagleside School District where she was originally denied access to the girls bathroom, instead, she will be enrolled in the Cherry Creek School District, which is closer to their new home.

According to her parents, Mathis, who is a triplet, “showed early preference for things related to girls,” her parents said. At five-months-old, she took a pink blanket meant for her sister, showed little interest in toy cars and refused to leave the house if she had to wear boys clothes.

Her parents said she became depressed and withdrawn, saying she wanted to be “fixed” by a doctor. They later learned that she had gender identity disorder, a condition in which a person is identified as the opposite sex. Her parents said they decided to help their child live as a girl. She came out of her shell and she became much happier.

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