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Chris Brown in court for probation violation hearing

They are trying to violate your boy Chris Brown and send him to jail.
The “Fine China” singer was in court yesterday to schedule a probation violation hearing, because prosecutors are still skeptical about the community service work he performed in Virginia as a penalty for his domestic abuse case involving Rihanna.
KTLA reports:

The DA’s office said there was sloppy paperwork and oversight in relation to that community service.

The DA’s office requested more documentation and paperwork from the Richmond Police Department, which the department has sent over to Los Angeles.

Prosecutors are going to investigate the documents with a fine-toothed comb and will find any reason to send Chris back to the slammer. Breezy is due back in court on July 15.
On top of that, Chris is also in hot water for the alleged fight with Frank Ocean over a parking space.

Sounds like Chris has his hands full, but we think he’ll pull through this.

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