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Roberto Cavalli's skinny version of Beyonce angers fans

She may be famous for her curves but high end designer, Roberto Cavalli doesn't seem to appreciate that as he released photos showing a skinny Beyonce wearing his clothes. This has resulted in serious backlash by
fans and critics who are appalled by the fact that he doesn't appreciate curvy women..

The digitally altered photograph was posted on  Roberto Cavalli Facebook page - and triggered so many negative comments

One fan wrote...'
I really don't get why brands force women to follow certain kind of body shapes that most people find unattractive. Real Beyonce figure is!'
'If this is supposed to be a sketch of Beyonce why not actually draw Beyonce instead of some imaginative image which fits the status quo for sickly looking run way models??
'She is absolutely gorgeous just the way she is, not as she's represented in that sketch..
The real photo of Beyonce wearing this dress is below and you can see the difference..

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