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See Restaurant Where The Waitresses Are Naked

A restaurant must decide what their breast move is after the city banned it from allowing their waitresses to wear body paint while serving food.After complaints to police about the waitress’ attire (or lack thereof) at Redneck Heaven restaurant, in Texas, the city council voted to change an ordinance so that it’s now illegal for women to cover their breasts with just body paint.A woman at Monday night’s council meeting voiced her concerns.

“We’re quite shocked to see these young ladies weren’t dressed,” Catherine Holliday said. “They had very scant bottoms on and their tops were painted. It’s a restaurant that’s between two family restaurants.”

It’s unclear what the so-called “breastaurant’s” reaction will be, but if management wants its waitresses to keep wearing body paint, it’ll have to apply for a Sexually Oriented Business permit.

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