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Why Deeper Life suspended Pastor Kumuyi’s son & daughter-in-law

John Kumuyi, a son of the General Superintendent of the Deeper Christian Life ministry Pastor William Kumuyi, and his newly wedded wife Love have been banned from the church after their wedding was adjudged unlawful by the church’s standards.

John and Love wedded in Jamaica on 15 June, 2013, only to receive thousands negative comments from members of the church. Many condemned the wedding gown worn by the wife-to be, also other aspects of the wedding that were at variance with the church’s standards.

Love’s attires turned out to differ from the conventional ones set for Deeper Life members. Lots of people noticed her hair wasn’t “natural” and that she applied lipstick as part of the

A limousine hired to deliver the couple to their destination after the wedding, a huge cake that was served at the ceremony were contrary to the church’s tradition.

The church leaders decided to place the couple on suspension to give them time to pray and seek forgiveness from God for their action, following countless comments on social media and by the members of Deeper Life.

John and Love’s suspension from church activities was announced last Saturday, at Deeper Life’s monthly Miracle and Revival Programme, held at the Deeper Life Conference Centre (DLCC), Lagos-Ibadan Expressway.

The news was delivered by PastorPhilip Oluwi, a key leader in the church, who obviously was following the instructions from the General Superintendent of the church, Pastor William Kumuyi. Oluwi stressed that the standard of Deeper Life regarding wedding and moderacy had not changed.

“The church, Deeper Life, remains committed to the biblical practice and standard of almost 40 years Christian dressing and still remains and does not compromise on biblical Christian dressing.

“Hence, deviation warrants the displeasure and frown of God and the leadership of the church. John and Love are now under discipline,” Oluwi announced to the entire congregation.

The couple has already apologised to the church for the inappropriate way the wedding was conducted. The letter was read by Oluwi and re-read several times to church members by the Church’s Secretary, Pastor Jerry Asemota.

1 comment:

  1. AnonymousJuly 03, 2013

    Medicine after death,stupidity of the highest order. Blind sheep that follow stupidly! I'm so pissed. The daft members too will be happy that they've bn suspended,not knowing that its all a plan to make the church and its 'leaders' look good. All the Deeper Life ppl I know in school,look like refugees,dejected,miserable and hungry!While their G.O and his family cruise limos and all.LOOOL.
