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The British Nigerian Woolwich killer - Michael Adebolajo

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One of the Woolwich killers has been identified as a British Nigerian man named ‘Michael 'Muhajid' Adebolajo’, whose father has been identified as 56 year old Nigerian trained nurse named Anthony Adebolajo. This is the last thing we need now. A Daily Mail article suggests that there's now a high threat of terrorism from Nigeria. Read it below...

Sources today named one of the suspects as Michael Adebolajo (pictured above) who, along with his fellow alleged killer, is a British citizen who converted to a radical form of Islam. They are not thought to have links to terror groups based in Nigeria, such as the jihadist militant organisation Boko Haram. The Foreign Office warns of a high threat from terrorism in the West African nation and raises the prospect of a risk of retaliatory attacks following the French intervention in Mali.
The other killer may also be Nigerian though he has not been formally identified.

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